Joyous Journeys advisor, Jennifer, believes aspirational travel should also make the world a little better. By fusing her passions for exploring and helping others, Joyous Journeys is a bespoke agency curating five-star getaways that positively impact local communities and environments.

Whether you seek total relaxation or a deeper voluntary cultural exchange, We custom-build trips-of-a-lifetime through ethical partnerships worldwide. From preserving endangered ecosystems to swimming with whale sharks, Joyous Journeys helps conscientious groups, families, couples, and solo travelers combine luxury with purpose.

As an avid boater, sailor, snorkeler and diver, Jennifer understands clients craving active adventures off the beaten track. Let her worldwide connections open doors to exclusive experiences along with community and ecological initiatives tailored to what moves you most.

At Joyous Journeys, uncommon luxury meets social responsibility. We believe tourism should sustain the communities that sustain us. Whether swimming with sea turtles, relaxing on the beach, or hiking Amazonian rainforests, discover the power of travel to transform lives across the planet - including your own.

The journey begins with just one step!

a group of people rafting down Lions Head river
a group of people rafting down Lions Head river
a woman in a blue shirt is holding a hammer making an oyster reef ball
a woman in a blue shirt is holding a hammer making an oyster reef ball

Jennifer volunteering building oyster reef balls at Tampa Bay Watch in St. Petersburg, FL

Did we mention we're adventurous travelers? Jennifer whitewater rafting at Lions Head River in Alaska

three women in hospital gowns are smiling and posing for a picture
three women in hospital gowns are smiling and posing for a picture

Transplant day, March 6, 2019

a group of people standing by the water with cleanup tools
a group of people standing by the water with cleanup tools

Coast Guard Auxiliary beach cleanup in Madison, WI